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Use WhatsApp for quotes, offers and pre-sales

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Make quotes on WhatsApp. WhatsApp is the ideal tool for digitizing professionals and B2B

When it comes to professionals and B2B, WhatsApp is the simplest bottom-up digital transformation tool. It does not require activation! Your salespeople, stores, distributors... already use WhatsApp to manage customers and work, but without any control, training or visibility on the part of the company.

See how you can increase sales by making a repair quote in 2 minutes!

WhatsApp Business Platform, with the use of the innovative WhatsApp Flows functionality, to simplify the pre-sales, budgeting and order management processes between manufacturer, distributor, retailer, installer and, also, end user. The company takes home immediately
- Visibility on market trends
- Compliance and network control (based on data, not on what they tell us!)
- Fundamental data for training generative artificial intelligence.

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    BOOK A FREE CONSULTATION about Omnichannel CRM, Marketing and Sales

Bring your business to WhatsApp by unifying data and insights across all touchpoints for Generative AI. Talk to an expert

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20-min demo, non-commercial, with a senior partner

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We'll show you use cases already implemented by other companies and what it costs not to do

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You will be able to have a no-BS overview of what can be done in your company, business KPIs with estimates of times and costs

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Reach out on WhatsApp

Apri WhatsApp
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