Accettiamo ancora 2 aziende motivate a portare i propri processi omnichannel su WhatsApp
In cambio, chiediamo accesso ai dati dell’attività per la nostra ricerca “State of WhatsApp 2024”
Supporto al DPO per gestione consensi GDPR
Apertura 2 utenze WhatsApp Platform (1 test, 1 live)
01 meeting di onboarding per aiutarti con la configurazione
*Offerta limitata rivolta ad aziende con fatturato minimo € 50M. Preferenziale, settore Retail, B2B, Servizi. Scade il 28/10
Let's do some first-principles thinking:
We asked ChatGPT, as you can see from the image
In a world where everything moves so fast and where we are distracted, overwhelmed by information, we all compete for attention. WhatsApp is the most under-utilized technology in the enterprise - and you already have it in-house.
Your salespeople, shops, distributors... already use WhatsApp to manage customers and work, but without any control, training or bottom-up visibility from your company
Most companies use WhatsApp as a communication channel for chat and notifications, rather than as an operating system to simplify the management of processes between digital and physical
In the age of AI, WhatsApp is not just messaging. WhatsApp is data, data, data... Every company is a data company. WhatsApp is meaningless without enterprise observability, control, and data governance
WhatsApp works when used to rethink and consumerize omnichannel processes. Simply adding it as a multi-channel channel increases costs and complexity
CRM, marketing automation and ecommerce are not built for omnichannel, those that support WhatsApp do so only for chat and notifications. What about your corporate data in WhatsApp?
A WhatsApp system is an OS, an operating system, that manages agents for end-to-end omnichannel processes, leveraging data and AI, with
WhatsApp can be expensive. WhatsApp is not an app, if you want to use it at the enterprise level it's an ecosystem of three different software products. Successfully managing WhatsApp in a corporate environment requires specialization
If your data isn't ready for AI, your business isn't ready. This is also true for WhatsApp. WhatsApp Business Platform and Small Business App software require a data platform to extract value from your data at scale
Doing business on WhatsApp is not about collecting leads or taking chats. You need both Tech IQ and Business IQ to orchestrate your omnichannel processes
20-min demo, non-commercial, with a senior partner
We'll show you use cases already implemented by other companies and what it costs not to do
You will be able to have a no-BS overview of what can be done in your company, business KPIs with estimates of times and
Audit your WhatsApp data strategy to prevent compliance issues and guarantee the same data governance and observability that you’ve on any other corporate system
For companies with simple use cases and in-house CRM manager
Onboarding and 01 month Done with You coaching
WhatsApp AI Agent specialized for your use case
WhatsApp Data Platform +Analytics
For companies with complex omnichannel cases
FULL SERVICE - Done for You. Full onboarding & training
WhatsApp Data Platform v7
Data scientist and dedicated team (5 pros)
Gen AI-assisted journey creation
Behavioral analytics
Gen AI-assisted omnichannel data strategy
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